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Showing 1–9 of 31 results


  • How to Optimize Through The Art Of Delegating Effectively, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Time to complete: 30 days from date of purchase effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master in the entertainment industry. You cannot do it all, and to be successful you must learn how to effectively delegate tasks and duties to others.  Effective delegation reduces your workload while developing employee skills and preparing the team for advancement. This e-learning course will explore the delegation process and give you the skills you need to start delegating effectively.
  • Critical Thinking in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 12 Weeks Course Hours: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Critical thinking skills are extremely important in developing a successful career in the entertainment industry. We have to skeptically assess the information we receive.  You can't be gullible. You receive a lot of information from artist, lawyers, promoters, agents, and others, and it's absolutely certain that some of that information is wrong and so you have to always filter what you are being told.  By constantly questioning both ourselves and all the information we receive from others, you learn how to critically think, solve complex problems, and make changes. In this e-learning course, we don't teach you what to think, we teach how to think. This course offers a set of competencies that serve as a framework entertainment business professionals looking to develop higher order thinking skills.
  • How to Handle Conflict Resolution in the Entertainment Industry, Dealing With Difficult People, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In the entertainment industry, we can get into a routine where it feels like everyone we speak with is either having a bad day, or we are having a bad day ourselves. We feel like we constantly meet people who seem to be inconsiderate, stubborn, incorrigible, indecent, miserable, or passive-aggressive. Sometimes  we can be equally awkward ourselves. While it might seem that the easiest remedy is to lock yourself up at home and avoid people, we eventually have to pick up the phone or step outside and interact with someone.  This e-learning course will give you practical tools to deal with difficult people.    
  • How Artist Representation and Giving Effective Feedback is Critical in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview As human beings, we crave positive feedback. However, many people will tell you that when they do get feedback, it’s often because of something they have done wrong. Whether feedback is positive or negative,  feedback is an essential element of our growth and development. This e-learning course is designed to help entertainment business professionals learn how to provide feedback any time, in ways that is effective and lasting.      
  • How to be Legally Effective with Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview As the saying goes, Time is money, and a lot of time and money gets lost in disorganization and poor time management. We also deal with a constant barrage of technology, people, and tasks that can contribute to that disorganization. Failing to manage your time damages your professional reputation, impedes work performance,  and causes high stress levels. In this e-learning course you will learn how to make the most of your time by getting a grip on your workflow and office space, using your planner effectively, and delegating some of your work to other people.. The time management strategies you will learn in this course will help you achieve important life and career goals.        
  • How to Establish an Intermediate Project Management Merchandising Brand Plan, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Project management is not just for certain industries or job titles. Most of us are expected to complete assignments that are not a usual part of our job and to get the job done well, within a budget, and on time. This e-learning course will share the final project management techniques that can help you achieve your goals. We recommend that you complete “Project Management Fundamentals” before beginning this course.
  • Why Effective Goal Setting in Music Production is Critical, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview We all have things we want in life and in our career.  What do you dream about or wish for?  To make your dreams and wishes come true, you must take the time to set goals, in order to make the things you dream about and wish for a reality. This e-learning course  will lead you through thinking, planning, and taking action on the things you really want and dream of in life. You will learn ways to set and complete goals that get you where you want to go in life.
  • How to be a Creative Innovative Thinker with Music Publisher Agreements, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process.  In this e-learning course, you will learn techniques and strategies that will spark innovation and creativity, and increase your knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more ideas, patterns, and combinations you can achieve, which then correlates to creating new and innovative products and services in the entertainment business.  
  • CRM: Music Distribution Agreements and Customer Relationship Management, Attorney Ricky Anderson

    Course Time: 8 hours Time to complete: 30 days from date of purchase Take a look in your wallet. How many points, rewards, and loyalty cards do you have? These are all examples of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs. What does your business offer to reward existing customers and gain new ones? This e-learning course will introduce the different facets of CRM and identify who the customers really are. It will also analyze the key components of CRM and explore how it can be integrated within your entertainment business.  
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