
Touring Agreements- What and Why They Exist, Course Bundle, Attorney Ricky Anderson



1 x Essential Change Management Skills for Touring Agreements, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Entertainment business professionals should enjoy the opportunities and excitement that change brings. However, sometimes it is harder to adjust to and lead to expressions of resistance and anger.  As entertainment professionals, we can take concrete steps to make change more palatable by understanding people's hesitation, enlisting the help of others, setting up plans, and managing stressors. These steps can also ensure that desired changes are implemented successfully. This course will teach you how to manage change in a positive way, help you and others adapt to change much easier, and improve your chances of success in every situation.  


1 x Problem Solving an Artist Recording Agreement with Sound Decision Making Techniques, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 12 Weeks Course Hours: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview As an entertainment professionals, we make decisions and solve problems continually.  Sometimes, we will have made as many as 50 decisions before we leave for work. Despite all the natural decision making that we have to make, some people are very uncomfortable with having to make hard decisions. This e-learning course will show you how to find a decision making process that allows you to identify creative solutions, research decision making strategies, and then put things together in a way that helps make decision making easier.


1 x Business Etiquette: Gaining that Extra Edge in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.


1 x The World of Touring and Managing the Virtual Workplace, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Virtual workers and virtual teams are an essential part of today’s workforce. More than ever, people are using technology to work anywhere, anytime. As a manager, it’s important to understand how these new tools change your role and the people that you work with. There are big benefits to today’s virtual workplace, but there can be big challenges, too. This e-learning course will teach entertainment business professionals how to prepare for the virtual workplace, create telework programs, build virtual teams, leverage technology, and overcome cultural barriers.  


1 x Developing a High Reliability Organization in an Ever-changing Field of Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Today’s world is full of the unexpected. System failures, terrorism events, disease outbreaks, and natural disasters disrupt businesses every day, sometimes to an unrecoverable point. Despite these challenges, some services (such as power plants, hospitals, and airports) have no choice but to continue operating.  The entertainment business also continues to operate, and the demand can be greater in a crisis. This e-learning course will explore how service organizations maintain high reliability even in times of serious crisis and stability. We will share their secrets in a way that can be applied to all entertainment businesses in order to create high reliability and continued success.


1 x How to Develop a Sound Crisis Management Plan During the Tour, Attorney Ricky Anderson


1 x Managing Difficult Conversations, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Time: 16 hours Time to complete: 45 days from date of purchase We have so many interactions in the run of a day, it’s reasonable to expect that some of them are going to be difficult. Whether these are conversations that you have in person, or you manage a virtual team and need to speak with someone in another city, there are things that you can do to make these conversations go smoothly. This e-learning  course will give you the tools to manage difficult conversations and get the best results possible out of them.


1 x How to Handle Conflict Resolution in the Entertainment Industry, Dealing With Difficult People, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In the entertainment industry, we can get into a routine where it feels like everyone we speak with is either having a bad day, or we are having a bad day ourselves. We feel like we constantly meet people who seem to be inconsiderate, stubborn, incorrigible, indecent, miserable, or passive-aggressive. Sometimes  we can be equally awkward ourselves. While it might seem that the easiest remedy is to lock yourself up at home and avoid people, we eventually have to pick up the phone or step outside and interact with someone.  This e-learning course will give you practical tools to deal with difficult people.