
Music Publisher Agreements- How to Understand the Small Print, Course Bundle, Attorney Ricky Anderson



1 x How to Develop Effective Risk Management Techniques in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In this course, you will learn about the seven R’s and four T’s that traditionally represent the key activities of risk management. This will give you a framework that you can customize for a single project, a department, or an entire company.


1 x How to be a Creative and Innovative Thinker with Music Publisher Agreements, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process.  In this e-learning course, you will learn techniques and strategies that will spark innovation and creativity, and increase your knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more ideas, patterns, and combinations you can achieve, which then correlates to creating new and innovative products and services in the entertainment business.  


1 x Entertainment Law and the Value of Knowledge Management, Attorney Ricky Anderson


1 x Importance of being an effective Writer in the Entertainment Business Field , Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 12 Weeks Course Hours: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview We all know what good writing is. It’s the novel we can’t put down, the poem we never forgot, and the  speech that changes the way we look at the world. Good writing is the memo that gets action and the letter that says what a phone call cannot. Good writing is hard work, and even the best writers get discouraged. In business, you also want to be a good writer. That means your language is concrete, the point of view is clear, and the legal points are well expressed. In this e-learning course, you will learn the basic principles of  business writing, which you can immediately put into action—on anything from emails to legal documents.


1 x Critical Thinking and 21st Century Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 12 Weeks Course Hours: 16 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Critical thinking skills are extremely important in developing a successful career in the entertainment industry. We have to skeptically assess the information we receive.  You can't be gullible. You receive a lot of information from artist, lawyers, promoters, agents, and others, and it's absolutely certain that some of that information is wrong and so you have to always filter what you are being told.  By constantly questioning both ourselves and all the information we receive from others, you learn how to critically think, solve complex problems, and make changes. In this e-learning course, we don't teach you what to think, we teach how to think. This course offers a set of competencies that serve as a framework entertainment business professionals looking to develop higher order thinking skills.


1 x Music Publisher Agreements and Developing How to Write Reports and Proposals, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In the entertainment industry, reports and proposals come in a variety of formats. All formats, however, rely on good writing skills and a solid framework. When you put words on paper—whether for an e-marketing campaign, a business letter, or a marketing/ advertising campaign, you’re making a powerful statement about yourself and your brand.  In this e-learning course, you will learn how to write to get the results you desire, make your message clear and concise for your reader, and develop more polished, more powerful written communications than ever before. We recommend that you complete “Business Writing That Works” before beginning this course.


1 x How Advanced Writing Skills Will Gain You Credibility at the Entertainment Table, Attorney Ricky Anderson

Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Entertainment business professionals spend a lot of time to writing letters of recommendation, of persuasion, of refusal, or of action, that reflect current word usage and up-to-date formats.  This course is designed for good writers. In this e-learning course, you will learn how to write specific kinds of documents, including letters, business cases, reports, and proposals. You will also review some fundamental writing rules, such as the four C's of writing and paragraph construction. Therefore, we recommend that you complete “Business Writing That Works” before beginning this course.