What are the Benefits of a Winning Proposal in an Recording Artist Promotion? Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview This e-learning course will help you develop the skills necessary to create successful proposals for the entertainment industry by focusing on types of proposals, sources of funding, and how to write proposals that will meet the stated requirements. You will also learn about the all-important element of relationships and how to build and maintain them in a funding relationship.Business Etiquette: Gaining that Extra Edge in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.How Misreading Body Language can Ruin a Performance Negotiating Meeting, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview As an entertainment attorney, I have found that body language can make or break our efforts to establish long, trusting relationships. Paying attention to an individual's body language can improve our ability to assess a client’s true emotions and attitudes. Learning how to read unconscious nonverbal signals is an important piece of the sales cycle, failure to consider body language in sales you are leaving money on the table and losing sales. This e-learning course can help you make sure your body language is sending the right message.Understanding Anger and Keeping Your Cool in the Negotiating Room, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Anger is a universal experience. Managing anger productively is something that few individuals, organizations, and societies do well, even though it’s an important component of being successful in the entertainment business. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that managing anger productively is something few individuals, organizations, and societies do well. Yet research tells us that those who do manage their anger at work are much more successful than those who don’t. This e-learning course will give you some ways to manage your anger as well as angry people to be sucessful.CRM: Music Distribution Agreements and Customer Relationship Management, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Time: 8 hours Time to complete: 30 days from date of purchase Take a look in your wallet. How many points, rewards, and loyalty cards do you have? These are all examples of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs. What does your business offer to reward existing customers and gain new ones? This e-learning course will introduce the different facets of CRM and identify who the customers really are. It will also analyze the key components of CRM and explore how it can be integrated within your entertainment business.How to Overcome Objections to Nail the Deal in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview If you are like most sales professionals in the entertainment industry, you are always looking for ways to overcome customer objections and close the sale. This course will help you to work through objectives effectively. We will help you plan and prepare for objections so that you can address customer concerns, reduce the number of objections you encounter, and improve your averages at closing sales.Digital Musical Selling and What it Means in Entertainment Law, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview In the entertainment industry, the sales industry keeps evolving, and if you are a sales person that means you need to keep growing too! Today’s successful salespeople in the industry focus on personal efficiency, delivering more to existing customers, and customer-focused selling. In this light, being an entertainment salesperson is an exciting and dynamic profession, and the new generation of sales professionals should be highly trained and well groomed, with the characteristics of honesty, trustworthiness, and competence. In this e-learning course, you will learn how to improve your ability to plan and deliver a professional sales presentation, and teach you skills and techniques that will help you to create a positive impression with the customer and advance the sale.Essential Change Management Skills for Touring Agreements, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview Entertainment business professionals should enjoy the opportunities and excitement that change brings. However, sometimes it is harder to adjust to and lead to expressions of resistance and anger. As entertainment professionals, we can take concrete steps to make change more palatable by understanding people's hesitation, enlisting the help of others, setting up plans, and managing stressors. These steps can also ensure that desired changes are implemented successfully. This course will teach you how to manage change in a positive way, help you and others adapt to change much easier, and improve your chances of success in every situation.Don’t Sweat it! How to Manage Stress as an Entertainment Lawyer, Attorney Ricky Anderson
$99.00Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Hours: 8 ________________________________________________________________________ Course Overview People around the world in the entertainment industry are experiencing job burnout and stress in epidemic proportions. Regardless of your position in the industry, most workers feel stressed out, insecure, and misunderstood in this fast- paced and very demanding line of work. Many people feel that the demands of the industry, combined with the demands of artist, touring, and home have become too much to handle. This e-learning course will give you some stress management techniques that you can apply right away to reduce stress in your life, and avoid burnout in the workplace.